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Hurrah its the holidays!

Oh no! We have the children off school for days…

And yes, there may be lots of things to do out there in the holidays – but the cost is sometimes prohibitive.

So here’s a few things to do basically for free:

1. Cook something! Involve the children from step one – finding a recipe, finding or buying and weighing ingredients to setting the timing on cooker, microwave or smart phone.

2. Make something art and crafty. No artistic skill necessary. Search the recycling for likely items or the ‘old favourite’ of a cereal box. Add liberal quantities of pictures (e.g. from pizza leaflet) and  glue.  Adult use scissors to make opening flap in box.

Then insert pictures inside – and you have a TV/laptop etc or use for puppet show.

Ok they’ll still want to watch tv or play on tablet/ipad afterwards – but you’ll know their brain got a bit of a workout.  Even if your table is now rather sticky.

3. Go to park or playground and play a game. Create your own scoring method. Include allowance for child v. adult – review to see if fair.

Then when kids are in bed, review how much maths you have smuggled into the day.

Now for tomorrow….


If you live in Mid Wales – you probably don’t need to go far to see a lamb but…
